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It’s amazing how many people say that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work, yet those same people can see how their friends talk themselves into being ill. It’s always easier to see what other people are doing wrong, than to be able to see what we ourselves are doing wrong and correct it. What do […]

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If you have recently discovered Law of Attraction money theories, I hope you are doing your affirmations regularly. There is no doubt these daily affirmations can bring about radical changes in your life, but actually these statements need reinforcement. Here is my top 10 tips to turn law of attraction money affirmations into cash in […]

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Isn’t the Law of Attraction working for you when it comes to abundance and prosperity? Do you want to attract more money and success? Then you probably need to understand the difference between abundance and prosperity. Here’s the missing key that you have been looking for. Abundance is the feeling – Prosperity is the form […]

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So, how do you attract more money? Are you currently doing the correct things to attract abundance into your life? Let us share with you a few simple steps that you can apply in your everyday life to attract more money! Change Your Way of Thinking Negative thinking will get you nowhere. If you want […]

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The law of attraction suggests that you think about something and thoroughly expect that to happen, and then it will definitely happen. The success of the law is dependent on your conviction, your confidence in your thinking, and the nature of the thought. Though it seems to be unreal to some people, it actually is […]

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When “The Secret” first came out, people got very excited about putting the law of attraction at work for them. Plenty of people were visualizing and putting their faith in the manifestation of their desires and dreams. Over time though, some people lost heart because they did not experience their dreams coming true. They visualized, […]

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Many single people are looking for that one special person to have a relationship with. Despite failed relationships and even marriages, most people desire an intimate connection with a partner, and one with whom they can share life with. A big complaint with many single people is that they can’t find that special soul mate. […]

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Having good, quality friends, is a wonderful treasure in life. In fact, studies report that those who have one or more quality friendships, tend to be happier and healthier in life, than those who don’t. Friends can be there to share the good times and lend an ear and shoulder in the tough times. To […]